Sunday, July 31, 2011

Church Today

I was really refreshed at sunday school. Today we talked about putting on the full armor of God. I've heard that verse 3000 times in my life but I feel like today I actually got it. Satan is so sneaky and he lies to me and diverts me so many times from spending time with God. We talked about how Satan used to be one of the top angels in heaven and he was the leader of worship for all heaven. Think about how beautiful he was! He thought he could be as high as God so long story short God threw him out of heaven and now he is ruling earth for the time being. Since he was the leader of music think about how much he impacts what we listen to. I was driving today and listening to klove and then I turned the channel to another station and thought about how much of a better tune, beat, and melody the other station has over klove. The songs that aren't necessary christian are so much easier to listen to. You think that is a coincidence? I'm not saying all songs that aren't completely christian are "bad" but think of what the most popular secular songs actually are saying. I never listen to Klove because like I said I feel like the tunes to most of the songs are so boring but I have to start listening to words now. My goal this week is to listen to words of songs and choose what I listen to wisely. I know I've gone off on a tangent but I feel like satan is so prevalent in America. I'm tired of him tricking me! I like christian music don't get me wrong but if you take away the words and just go on tunes you have to admit that some of them aren't as catchy.


  1. i just need to be in the car with you when you listen so i can tell you what the songs are saying...ha

  2. haha! I thought about that. I can't make out what they are signing about.
