Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Spring fun!

We have REALLY enjoyed this weather! Addie was born in January and I was stuck indoors for at least 3 months because it was so cold. Well...even though it's the beginning of the end of the world (because we never had winter time and it's in the mid 80's in March) we have had so much fun. We go to the park nearly every day. Yesterday we had so much fun in our backyard. Addie took Lilly on a wagon ride, Lilly and I took a nap on the hammock, Addie played in the sprinkler, etc. I soak up every second with them! I have to go back to work in mid April and even though I love teaching I love being with my two girls MUCH more!

 Happy Girl! She smiles all the time. She even giggles in her sleep!

 Look at those azaleas!! Billy put azalea food on them and it made them so bright! I love looking at them!
 Happy pup!


  1. Your girls are so JOYFUL!!! Keep posting those pictures and enjoying every second of every day with them.
